OK so I don't remember which 'Whose Line is it Anyway' was on last night but I do remember what happened during the episode, I am sitting on the couch when I realize that one of our not so friendly felines has got her eyes on the ceiling which of course means BUG!! As I catch focus of this creepy crawler I begin to count legs...8...that is going to be a problem a BIG one. So before she moves I look over at my sister, who is completely freaked out by spiders, and I ask 'Is it worth waking mom up even though it's after midnight?' As Jessica throws everything down and runs to the other end of the house, the spider very rapidly darts across the ceiling and into the curtains. I wake mom up as calmly as possible 'Don't freak out but there's a huge spider in the living room that's really really fast.' So as mom finds her way out of her bedroom I begin to explain that it may only be a wood spider. So in disbelief Mom begins poking and prodding at the curtains until the spider swoops down behind our couch and corner table. She believes us now! After searching under and behind everything, tearing the entire living room apart mom gives up and heads back to bed. Jessica and I who have now sworn to stay away from the area of the living room where we believe she inhabits carry on what we were already doing. Jessica stood between the couch and our TV set shutting down her laptop for a few minutes, little did she know our little guest was passing by. So on her way to the kitchen she spots the prey on the wall above the entertainment area, just as quick as she yells 'mom, come here quick!!' I glance over and watch the spider plummet to the ground where she finds herself in a mess of wires. And then it began mom came out of her bedroom with her war face on. Now that the hideous creature had approached her room she would not rest until it was dead. Jessica and I fully equipped her with all of the tools needed: a flashlight, a long pole, and most importantly bug spray. After our very long hunt(that you can read about on moms blog) we had finally slowed the spider down and drenched her in bug spray. I then took the pole and squished her because no one can trust a poison to work as efficiently as it should. After cleaning everything up and putting our furniture back together we realized it was 1 am and Jessica and I decided we should let mom get some sleep, so Jessica and I stayed up a while later just to be sure our creepy crawly guest didn't have any friends.
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